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Lecture Hall
MITT is committed to helping each student succeed. This may entail administering make-up exams, extra assignments, tutoring, taping/videorecording class sessions in case of an unavoidable absence. Within reason, we will do whatever it takes to assist our students in achieving the highest academic acumen possible. This page is the repository of links to material that can be helpful in achieving our academic goals.
The Pursuit of Excellence in Your Christian Walk
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- Guidelines for Growth in your Life
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- Understanding People
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- Forgive & Forget
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- Corem Deo
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- How to Stay Spiritually Hungry
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- Tota Scriptura | Sola Scriptura
The Pursuit of Excellence in
Your Christian Walk
- Reading is Fundamental
Doctrine of Perserverance
Can a Born-Again Christian
Lose Salvation?
- Dr. John Piper
Can I Lose My Salvation
- Dr. Charles Stanley
Beginning to Close the
Design Gap
Beginning to Close the Design Gap
- Dr. Patricia Carroll
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